A foundation is the starting point for any venture in life. Building a strong foundation is crucial, considering relationships, a career, business, marriage, health, and spirituality. The question of building a strong foundation is of utmost for anyone nurturing that desire, especially for a new year and new beginnings. Knowledge of foundations, including the materials and factors required to construct them will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
What Are Foundations?

Foundations form the basis on which our entire life activities are built. All areas of our lives flourish on a foundation. We are products (ministry, career, partnerships, marriage) of spiritual and physical foundations. A story is told of two people who planned to build a house. They both began to construct a foundation.
One decided to construct with poor materials assuming anything goes as far as a structure is in place. The other invested extra effort into building his foundation. Eventually, as time (being the best test of all efforts) passed, seasons changed, storms raged, and both foundations were tested, the foundation built with extra effort and good materials passed the test of time. However, the foundation poorly constructed with poor materials exposed its weaknesses and faults.
Are you constructing a strong or faulty foundation for your life in this New Year? If the foundation is destroyed, what can the righteous do? We are the architects of our foundations, and many materials and factors such as habits, play a crucial role in building them. There are spiritual and physical foundations. Let’s consider their components below.
Components and Materials for Spiritual Foundation
Life is spiritual and all manifestations transcend the physical. As a result, building the spiritual prepares us for the physical. The quality of our spiritual life determines the quality of the physical, and investing in your spiritual foundation matters most. A spiritual foundation is composed of:
- Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ: A songwriter said, ‘No throne without the cross; there’s no sacrifice without Your blood; no me without You‘. The life of Christ in us is the essence and expression of our spirituality. The beauty of Jesus in you translates into the beauty of your very existence. Life without Christ is an empty and wasted one. Let this knowledge transform your mindset and conviction.
- Trust in God’s word: Scriptures admonish us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts. We have people who trusted wholly in God and His word and were counted as righteous. What is the basis of spirituality without trust in the omnipresent and omnipotent One? The object of our trust explains the outcome of our lives. Those who put their trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion which cannot be moved, but abides forever. Our entire lives are better off in God as He will direct the path of all those who trust and acknowledge Him.
- Practice of Scriptures: There is no use knowing God’s word if we don’t obey them. Our profiting is only found in obedience and practice of scriptures. God places a premium on those who obey His word as it proves our love for Him. Such obedient ones enjoy His pleasures as described by the scriptures, “If you know these things, happy are you if you do them“. Cultivate a daily and continuous practice of God’s word to achieve a strong spiritual foundation.
- To achieve a balance we equally need the components that build a physical foundation.
Components and Materials for Physical Foundation

- Knowledge: That the soul is without knowledge is not good. Our lives thrive on knowledge, as prescribed by the Bible, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Seek knowledge from relevant books that concern the future you envisage. For example, read books that concern – purity for people on a journey of purity; spiritual growth for people seeking to grow in the knowledge of God; and wealth for people hoping to build personal and generational wealth.
Cultivate a reading lifestyle as opposed to a watching lifestyle. Engage in daily reading for a transforming New Year. Which life-transforming books are you motivated to read? Write them in the comment section to inspire others to join you.
- Skills: Turn your knowledge into skills. Acquire expertise. Don’t engage in everything and anything. Nurture precious skills into expertise that can become measurable means of livelihood. Identify your passion and professionalize it. Make it a viable tool for and of progress. So don’t just read, consciously proceed to the skill level. Begin to share your expertise, in that way you can begin to gain visibility thereby endearing like-minded experts to yourself.
- Health: Our health is the most important component of our lives. Building a strong foundation for your health is a crucial component of your physical and spiritual well-being. ‘Health is wealth’, as the saying goes. Invest in a healthy lifestyle to guarantee a healthy future. Take your daily or weekly exercises seriously, eat healthy, drink more water and preserve your mental health.
- Wealth: Start building wealth at any stage of life. In this New Year, start small and think big.
- Start small by changing the choices we make in our expenditure, saving lifestyle and giving habits. Avoiding impulse buying helps to manage resources as we endeavour to build wealth. Do selective purchasing and take advantage of seasonal discounts. Cultivate a saving and giving culture, as ‘givers never lack’.
- Think big by investing your thoughts into entrepreneurship and financial investments. Consider societal problems that your skills and actions can address, leading to wealth generation. Explore areas where you can invest profitably while minimizing risk factors. Build networks that influence wealth creation while cutting ties with wasteful spenders and associations.
How To Build these Foundations
Build these foundations by redefining your mindset and nurturing productive habits. The habits we form today form the foundation of our future. Regardless of your present situation, it is essential to pay attention to the habits you encourage, as they shape your lifestyle. Consider your daily routine, for example, whether you plan your day, or you flow with the tides.
Take time to plan your spiritual and physical development by organizing your wake-up and even sleep times. Seize the early and late hours of the day to pray, read, meditate, exercise and churn out new ideas and products. Take advantage of alone times to develop yourself by utilizing after-work hours profitably.
Cultivate a habit of writing, because, “The faintest pen is better than the sharpest memory”. Write the messages, inspiration, lessons, persuasions and planned activities derived from your readings and meditations. Teach others to affirm and solidify your lessons. By doing these consistently, you are forming a habit that will greatly contribute to your successful building executed with:
- Purposeful Effort: Foundations require intentionality, effort, and consistent use of quality “materials” to withstand challenges. Choose your “materials” prudently.
- Holistic Approach: Both spiritual and physical components must align to create a balanced and sustainable foundation. Prioritize both to maintain a just balance.
- Accountability: We are the “architects” of our foundations and must take responsibility for our growth and development. Commit to the building process and don’t leave it to others.
Reflection and Application
- Commit to daily actions that reinforce these foundational building principles.
- Evaluate your current spiritual and physical foundations. Are they strong or weak?
- Identify areas requiring better “materials” (faith, knowledge, trust, and practice) and better them.
Take action to create the life you deserve!
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